Professional Register of 
Traditional Chinese Medicine

How to make an Acupuncture appointment


Acupuncture Treatment Clinic, Dublin

If you would like to make an Acupuncture appointment with a professionally qualified and insured TCM Acupuncturist or Chinese Medical Practitioner, visit this list of practitioners  to find the one that is in a location nearest to you. 

 What to expect in an appointment

The initial consultation can typically last anything between thirty and sixty minutes. A detailed medical case history is taken and all clients currently taking medication should bring this when attending the first (or second) consultation. 

An examination of tongue and pulse will be carried out and a brief physical examination at the site of the problem will be conducted where appropriate.

The consultation is safeguarded by complete confidentiality.

The first consultation generally also includes an initial treatment. Treatments will only be provided after a full TCM diagnosis has been carried out by the practitioner.

Subsequent treatment sessions will last between twenty minutes and an hour. Practitioners typically see clients once a week or sometimes once a fortnight.

How much does treatment cost?

The standard rate for Acupuncture TCM treatment varies slightly. Currently, the average price per individual treatment in Dublin is €50 for a half hour of treatment. The initial consultation takes longer and usually costs more than a normal treatment.

If the practitioner uses therapeutic methods such as Medical Qigong which normally takes more time or if a Herbal Prescription is prescribed, this is reflected in the price. 

Please ask the practitioner or receptionist about the exact cost of each treatment when you call to make an appointment.

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