Professional Register of 
Traditional Chinese Medicine

New Medical Qigong Graduates added to the PRTCM register


We at the PRTCM are happy to inform you that four of our TCM practitioner members on the register have completed post graduate training and are now qualified Medical Qigong (MQG) Practitioners.

Some, already qualified, MQG Practitioners have completed further training and are now qualified at a specialist level.

What is Medical Qigong (MQG) Treatment 

Of the various branches of TCM, Medical Qigong is the most ancient, rare and sophisticated.

Medical Qigong is a form of treatment used by specially trained and qualified TCM practitioners. Unlike all other treatment modalities it dispenses with the ‘middle man’. For example acupuncture needles, herbal prescriptions, different food types, various exercises, and the like – and, instead, immediately and directly connects the Qi of the practitioner - with therapeutic intent - to that of the person being treated.

The focused, refined and potentised Qi of the practitioner is transmitted, without intermediary, to the imbalanced or diseased aspect of the client to initiate cure. The practitioner sends out his or her Qi, without touching the patient, to perform the treatment. 

All Medical Qigong Practitioners are also fully qualified Acupuncture TCM Practitioners. Some are also qualified in Herbal Medicine. Please be advised that the method of treatment you receive while attending a TCM Practitioner is decided by your practitioner as they are best qualified to choose the one best suited to the client.

To learn more about Medical Qigong you can visit this link to the PRTCM website.

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