Professional Register of 
Traditional Chinese Medicine

News & Research

28 April 2016
Warm Welcome to New Members

The PRTCM are delighted to welcome three new members this Spring: a returning member Mida Stevens and new members Lara Serviolle and Vit V. Dobrin. Mida Stevens is returning in practice in Dublin after a break. Lara Serviolle is practising in Sligo and Vit V. Dobrin in Dublin. For information and clinic details, don't hesitate […]

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22 August 2015
Nepal Barefoot Clinics Week

Dear Members, With the anniversary of the Nepal earthquake, Nepal has been in the news recently. We thought you might like to know about the Barefoot Clinics project who create free acupuncture clinics and train acupuncturists in Nepal. Below is a letter you can display in your practice if you wish to participate in the […]

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6 April 2015
Paracetamol, Pain and Acupuncture

Since the arrival of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the West, pain alleviation or relief has been one of the regularly observed benefits of treatment with needles (Acupuncture TCM). A client with a main complain of, say, lower back pain, would, on arrival at the clinic of a PRTCM member, be given a full Chinese Medical […]

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2 April 2015
The PRTCM Is Now in Facebook

We are pleased to announce the launch of a Facebook page for the PRTCM (The Professional Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine). The PRTCM is the oldest Register of Practitioners of Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in Ireland, founded in 1983. It represents practitioners who are fully qualified in one or more TCM specialist fields: […]

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6 April 2013
Chinese Medicine in "The Phoenix"

Members who are graduates of the ICTCM will be pleased to hear that the recent edition of "The Phoenix" contains an interview with Professor Tom Shanahan and information about the Master and Doctoral Degrees in Chinese Medicine. This is an exciting time for Acupuncture education in Ireland (and the rest of Europe) and I am […]

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1 March 2013
IMB issues a warning about unlicensed Chinese herbal medicines sold online

Excerpt from the IMB website: The IMB has been made aware of recent warnings issued by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the medicines regulatory authority in the UK and the Hong Kong Department of Health. The MHRA warning was in response to an alert issued by the Hong Kong health authorities in […]

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