Professional Register of 
Traditional Chinese Medicine

The PRTCM is an Irish-based professional body founded in 1983 to promote and protect the professional interests and medical standards of fully qualified practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine throughout Ireland and in the UK, thereby to foster the highest quality of TCM health-care for the public.

It was the first such professional body in Ireland whose members are recognised, for the provision of Acupuncture treatments, by VHI Healthcare, Laya Healthcare, Irish Life Health and the other principal health insurance providers.

This site is designed to provide members of the public with the information they require to select a fully qualified and fully insured practitioner of Acupuncture TCM or, indeed, one of the other TCM therapy options such as Chinese Herbal Medicine or Medical Qigong.

Details about each of the main TCM therapies is provided, as well as information about finding a practitioner, making an appointment, and attending for treatment.

TCM News and Research

What does the PRTCM do?

The PRTCM is an Irish based professional body. It aims to ensure Acupuncture and other TCM methods are safely available to the public. It works to both regulate and represent practitioners of TCM in Ireland and the UK.  The PRTCM regulates the clinical practice of Acupuncture and TCM by ensuring all of its members meet […]

What makes TCM unique?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a unique form of medicine in several aspects. Some of these include its holistic approach, its personalised treatments and its preventative focus. These are just a few of many of the distinctive facets of TCM. However, one particular aspect of TCM that is unique to this ancient medical system is […]

New Medical Qigong Graduates added to the PRTCM register

  We at the PRTCM are happy to inform you that four of our TCM practitioner members on the register have completed post graduate training and are now qualified Medical Qigong (MQG) Practitioners. Some, already qualified, MQG Practitioners have completed further training and are now qualified at a specialist level. What is Medical Qigong (MQG) […]

How to make an Acupuncture appointment

  If you would like to make an Acupuncture appointment with a professionally qualified and insured TCM Acupuncturist or Chinese Medical Practitioner, visit this list of practitioners  to find the one that is in a location nearest to you.   What to expect in an appointment The initial consultation can typically last anything between thirty and […]

World Health Organisation (WHO) and Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has, over the years, provided information about some aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture in its numerous publications.
Last year one of our members gave us some advance notice that the WHO was planning to include traditional medicines in its International Classification of Diseases in 2019.

What is Acupuncture TCM?

Acupuncture is part of an ancient and sophisticated form of medical treatment called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which originated in China but has increasingly spread throughout the world.

It is important to realise that acupuncture is only a part of Chinese medicine - to imagine that Acupuncture is TCM is as mistaken as to imagine that, say, surgery is western medicine.

Is it safe, is it effective?

In the hands of a fully qualified professional practitioner the use of acupuncture TCM is effective, entirely safe and free of any harmful side-effects. It has stood the test of time over thousands of years and has not been found wanting.

It is safe to say that there is no sick person who cannot be helped by TCM. The extent of this help will depend on a number of considerations.

Who and What can be treated?

There is no limitation in terms of age, sex, or condition regarding acupuncture treatment. The very young or the extremely old can be treated.

The scope and range of ailments amenable to TCM care is enormous. It treats people who complain of a deficiency or break down in their health. It can focus on physical, psychological, emotional or even spiritual disorders with equal effect.

Did you know...?

...That Traditional Chinese Medicine is the most widely utilized healing system on this planet, and one of the oldest forms of medicine known to date. .

..That acupuncture's use for certain conditions has been endorsed by the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, the United States National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization.

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